J/Psi Fits - 4.8.2
Fits on 4.8.2 Ntuple Versions 7 and 8

The fits were run based on data described here.


Plot 17a

The fit function is:

In Mass Window around J/psi (+- 3 sigma of mean mass):

bg=((1-F1)*(fPlus*gplus + fMnus*gmnus+(1-fPlus-fMnus)*pgBg))
Sidebands: (7 sigma either side of mean mass)
bg=fPlus*gplus + fMnus*gmnus+ (1-fPlus-fMnus)*pgBg
where: The Fit parameters are:
Fit Conditions MWindow MSideband WindowCurves Results
save-17 pt>3 ntuple without run,event, F=0.82 Plot 17a Plot 17b Plot 17c Plot 17c
save-18 same as 17, but output text ntuple for mary's fit., F=0.82        
8-1 same as 17 but with ntuple having run,event, F=0.82       Plot 8-1c
8-2 run<150112, F=0.82 Plot 8-2a Plot 8-2b Plot 8-2c Plot 8-2c
8-3 pt>4, run<150112, F=0.82 Plot 8-3a Plot 8-3b Plot 8-3c Plot 8-3c
8-4 pt>4, run<150112, , symmetric gaussian, F=0.82 Plot 8-4a Plot 8-4b Plot 8-4c Plot 8-4c
8-5 4<=pt< 5 run<150112, symmetric gaussian, F=0.82 Plot 8-5a Plot 8-5b Plot 8-5c Plot 8-5c
8-6 5<=pt< 7 run<150112, symmetric gaussian, F=0.82 Plot 8-6a Plot 8-6b Plot 8-6c Plot 8-6c
8-7 7<=pt< 10 run<150112, symmetric gaussian, F=0.82 Plot 8-7a Plot 8-7b Plot 8-7c Plot 8-7c
8-8 10<=pt< 15 run<150112, symmetric gaussian, F=0.82 Plot 8-8a Plot 8-8b Plot 8-8c Plot 8-8c
8-9 4<=pt<100 run<150112, symmetric gaussian, F=0.82 Plot 8-9a Plot 8-9b Plot 8-9c Plot 8-9c