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GLAS-PPE/97-12November 1997


Energy flow distributions from tagged $ \gamma$$ \gamma$ events generated with HERWIG are presented for Ebeam = 45.6 GeV (LEP1) and Ebeam = 175 GeV (top-quark threshold at a future e+e- Linear Collider). They have very similar shapes regardless of the beam energy. Using the present knowledge of the LEP F2$\scriptstyle \gamma$ analyses, it is forseen that the understanding of the hadronic response of the forward region of the LC detector is vital to the development of the final state models in $ \gamma$$ \gamma$ Monte Carlos. Such models are relied upon to extract F2$\scriptstyle \gamma$ from the data, and hence understanding the forward region well may be crucial in the determination of whether or not a low-x rise exists in the photon structure function.


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